Our Services

Strategic Indigenous Engagement Services

Hunter-Courchene Group is a First Nations company with over 20 years of experience in strategic Indigenous engagement.

Aroland First Nation


We understand the history and importance of meaningful engagement with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. The Hunter-Courchene Group works with all parties involved to ensure that engagement is undertaken in a meaningful and respectful manner where everyone has a clear understanding of what issue is being discussed and/or information gathered, why discussion and/or information gathering is occurring, and how the information discussed/gathered will be used. We focus on being solution-oriented in our discussions as we move towards the goals and aspirations of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples and their desired relationships with all levels of government.

Over the years, the Hunter-Courchene Group has gained the knowledge and expertise to design and implement engagement methodologies geared to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. We have engaged and worked within First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities; provincial, territorial, and national First Nations, Inuit, and Métis organizations; and with provincial/territorial and federal governments on all topics and areas of importance to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people in Canada.

Marten Falls First Nation School

Facilitation Services

The Hunter-Courchene Group has 24 years of experience facilitating conversations. Over those years, we have provided a safe space, whether in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of both, where everyone can feel comfortable and free to participate and share their perspectives. Our team can quickly understand any situation or topic and design a facilitated process that will maximize the opportunity provided by the gathering and the talent and knowledge in attendance.

The Hunter-Courchene Group continually evolves to meet our client needs by developing and delivering virtual, hybrid, and in-person engagement processes for any experience, including local, regional, provincial/territorial, and national gatherings, policy review and development, working groups and committees, staff retreats, etc.

Iqaluit Place

Event Management Services

The Hunter-Courchene Group has extensive knowledge and experience in event management and coordination. Our First Nations team has managed events ranging in size from 20 to 2,000 attendees in venues all across Canada. These venues have included community halls, outdoor venues, parks, ceremonial areas, hotels, and conference centres.

We have 24 years of expertise in managing all aspects of events, meetings, and conferences, including:

• Budget Management
• Program/Agenda Development
• Speaker Acquisition
• Marketing/Advertising
• Communications
• Registration and Information Management
• Sponsorship
• Trade Show
• Venue

• Transportation and Accommodation
• Food and Beverage
• Audio-Visual
• Catering
• Organization of Sub-Contracts as Required
• Event Evaluation
• On-Site Coordination
• Meeting Reports
• Post-Event Reporting, including Final Financial Documents and Reports

The Hunter-Courchene Group has built up extensive experience and knowledge in managing bilingual, virtual, and hybrid events on several different platforms and planning for inclusive events involving captioning, sign language interpretation, and other accommodations.

Standing Offers

The Hunter-Courchene Group has the following standing offers with Canada for the provision of event services:

Event Planning and Management

Public Works and Government Services Canada

The Hunter-Courchene Group is pre-qualified to provide the Government of Canada with a full range of event management services, including but not limited to meetings, conferences, hearings, workshops, summits, consultations, round tables, award ceremonies, galas, and opening ceremonies on an “as and when requested basis.” The Hunter-Courchene Group is capable, as per the standing offer, of providing the services in both official languages.

Community Development

Public Safety Canada

Delivery of mobilization workshop and support to communities to develop community safety plans. Provision of facilitation services to communities using several program delivery models designed to be responsive to a variety of community capacities and needs.

Community Development

The Hunter-Courchene Group has worked with and supported First Nations communities across Canada to articulate and plan a path towards their visions and dreams. Community development for us is the ability to bring together strategic planning and group facilitation techniques into a setting that assembles all the talent and capacity of a community to discuss and build on existing strengths. Through this strength-based approach, the community recognizes and identifies the support and existing talent and capacities from within the community. The community then moves towards a plan and path forward that is specific and measurable in terms of its success, timely in that it addresses important and relevant items within the community, and is both realistic and reasonable given the abilities and talents available within the community.

Research and Evaluative Learning Initiatives

The Hunter-Courchene Group has approached all of its research and evaluative learning initiatives with governments and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit groups with the goal of meeting all learning initiatives in a respectful manner. As a First Nations company, the Hunter-Courchene Group intrinsically understands the concepts of cultural safety, making sure our engagement and data gathering process allow for an honest and open assessment.

We work towards collaborative learning and building research and evaluative learning capacity within partner organizations and communities. We share findings in a way that will also inform and benefit partners and the community in their future work, particularly with the aspirational goal of effecting systems change.

Our team brings together an excellent balance of professional and technical disciplines to each project. Team members have various backgrounds and diverse areas of specific technical expertise and interest—evaluation, performance measurement, consultations, and organizational development. This mix of complementary skills and experience brings a sense of rigour, a strong analytical capability, and excellent communication skills.

Writing Services

The Hunter-Courchene Group has been providing report writing services for our clients since 1998 and has been an important part of the services the company provides. Our team can capture and provide an accurate record of discussions for any meeting. We have worked with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit organizations, all levels of government, and the private sector to provide various writing products, including:

• Meeting Minutes
• Meeting Notes
• Meeting Summaries
• Comprehensive Conference Reports
• Themed Consultation Outcome Reports